Received this sponsored Amez Care Sanitary Napkins at last, feels so excited of un-boxing this amazed sanitary pads. Felt so lovely and was really attracted at the moment of un-boxing this because i simply just loves the lovely and colour of the packaging itself!
Had anyone noticed that the usual sanitary napkins we used is made by those recycled garbage: old-newspaper and old boxes. Thus, there must be risks of developing any health condition which is expected. So, i gonna introduce the new brand sanitary napkins. Your health, you deserve better than no one else!
Amez is a bio herbal sanitary functional napkin pads which made by chips technology and natural properties. The chips technology includes the Anion (known as -ve ions), Far Infrared and Nano Silver. The natural properties includes Aloe Vera, Peppermint, Tea Plant, Chamomile and Lavendar.
From top to bottom:
top: Amez Panty Liners
middle: Amez Day Pads
bottom: Amez Overnight Pads
Amez's Slogan: Amez - Where Intimate Meets Comfort!
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Amez - Where Intimate Meets Comfort! |
What are the common Women's Health problems seen nowadays?
- irregular menstrual cycle
- heavy/prolonged menstrual bleeding
- menstrual pain/cramp
- abnormal discharge - foul odor, sticky, brownish, greenish
- itchy vagina
- Yeast infection - Candida Albicans
- Genital warts
- Endometriosis
- Fibroids
- Uterus/ovarian/cervix/breast cancer
Dangers of Traditional Sanitary Pads:
- undergoes bleaching process - produces DIOXIN
- bleaching: white and fluffy
- Dioxin is highly toxic, it causes several types of cancer
Everyone Deserve a Better Sanitary Pads for Health!
- optimal protection, health benefits, toxin-free, anti-bacteria effects
What are the Properties found in Amez Sanitary Pads?
1. Chip Technology:
a) Negative Ions (Anion):
- knows as "Vitamins of Air"
- suppress the multiplication survival of bacterial and virus effectively
b) Far Infrared:
- improves blood circulation, promotes body metabolism, soothes menstrual pain
c) Nano Silver:
- powerful anti-bacterial effect, 100x more effective in killing harmful bacterial than normal chips
2. Herbal Extracts:
a) Aloe Vera:
- high level of antiseptic
- highly effective in relieving itchiness and skin irritation
b) Peppermint:
- acts as an antiseptic and anti-bacteria, soothes itchiness, irritation, pain and infection
c) Tea Plant:
- natural mineral aids in relieving menstrual pain, cramp and discomfort
d) Chamomile:
- anti-fungal, ant-bacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory
- guards vagina against yeast infection
- acts as mood lifter
e) Lavendar:
- relieving pain and improves relaxation
- acts as calmer and promotes restful sleep
Scroll down to find out more of what these properties are and the functions of it! :)
Amez Sanitary Pads came in with small packaging, so it is really conveient to use. Especially when we are travelling, simply just put in our beg will do because it doesn't conquer huge space! ^^
Everyone knows for each and every single thing, there must be a lifespan. As for this sanitary napkins, it also has it manufactured date and expired date; and it is clearly printed on the packaging itself.
Amez Panty Liner:
Amez Day Use:
Amez Overnight Use:
The top look.

The bottom look.
Where can i purchase?
Amez Care Online Marketplaces:
- FB: Amez Care Official FB Page
- Instagram: Amez Care on Instagram

What are the Retails Price?
- Amez Day (240mm) : Single Pack (12's) @ RM12.90
- Amez Overnight (290mm) : Single Pack (10's) @ RM13.90 / Twin Pack (2 x 10's) @ RM22.90
- Amez Panty Liner (160mm) : Sinlge Pack (30's) @ RM11.90 / Twin Pack (2 X 30's) @ RM19.90
- Amez Travel Pack : Day (3's) / Overnight (3's) / Panty Liner (4's) : Single Pack RM9.90 / Twin Pack RM16.90
Amez Care Market Retail Sellers:
- Aeon Wellness
- Health Lane Family Pharmacy
- JuzCare Pharmacy
My opinions after used:
- all it pads are extremely thin (really so conveient to bring it out, even if i put in pocket nobody will notice the 'bump")
- all it pads have strong herbs smell, but i like it :)
- all pads have hot and burning sensation when the initially i placed it, but it goes off after few minutes
- for other brand i used, i felt itchiness and discomfort, but when i tried the Amez one, i don't feel any itchiness or discomfort (this is the most i concern about)
- because of the thiness, when i wear it and walk around for the whole day, i feels so comfort as i feel like wearing nothing during my menstrual period
- super strong absorbent as it doesn't go beyond the thin pad itself!
- my period cramp has reduced after uses this Amez pads (apparently ease me to works freely)
- after using, i realized that my flow is lesser than previous and before!
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